Dora, the explorer is a character from the American cartoon series which is aired on television. She is an eight year old who loves adventures and shares these with her beloved monkey, Boots. Swiper is another character of this show and is portrayed as a mean fox who swipes other people's belongings. Dora also has a magical back pack that always stocks the things she requires to complete her adventures. Her map which guides her is also placed within this bag.This animated program is of an educational nature and helps children learn new things.
Dora sets out on a trip in every episode and she interacts with her audience and seeks their assistance as she explores new places. She introduces her audience to Spanish language and teaches those numbers and phrases. Dora is portrayed as a cheerful girl having a sweet nature; she displays strong family values and loves them. She expresses her love for her monkey openly and teaches him new things. Dora also loves playing her wooden flute and she also participates in sports actively. She has been shown playing baseball and soccer.
Dora the Explorer series is also aired in other languages depending on the country in which it is being aired. Kids who love watching the Dora series are generally influenced by the lessons Dora teaches subtly and tend to be more receptive to products that feature Dora and that's why educational games that revolve around her will be easily accepted by them. These games are developed in a way that incorporates education with entertainment and can keep children preoccupied for hours as they guide Dora through her exciting adventures.
Many websites have online games that feature Dora, and these do not require any downloading of content. These games help children to concentrate and pay attention and assist in improving their attention span. As the kids are actively involved in the adventures of Dora, this helps in building up their excitement and keeps them busy with the game. By playing these games children can learn new shapes, different colors and can learn how to differentiate between things. They can improve their vocabulary by learning the names of different objects that Dora uses in her adventures.
These games take children through different settings, like some of the games use enchanted forests as their theme, while others may be set up in a farm. The various settings expose children to new environments and give them knowledge about interesting things. These adventures are shared by Boots too and kids also get a chance to use Dora's magic back pack. Puzzle games featuring Dora are also a hit with children as they learn how to piece together their favorite character.
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