How to Get to the Event Stage in "Mega Man: Starforce Dragon"

The event stage is a location in “Mega Man Star Force: Dragon” in Nacy’s department store. The snake exhibit, Wolf Woods and the Heavy Cannon card are all located on or near the stage. The location is a bit unclear when it's first introduced. You can't access the event stage until you reach the appropriate point in the story line. There is a noticeable increase in difficulty upon reaching the event stage compared to the enemies you have previously faced.

Difficulty:Moderately Easy1

Play through the story missions until you reach day 14. Luna comes over to your house at the beginning of the day.


Go to Time Square. You can explore this area before proceeding further in the story events, but exploration isn't necessary.


Talk to Sonia. You can find her next to the dog statue located up the stairs in Time Square.


Enter Nacy’s department store located right near the statue. Luna and Sonia both enter the store.


Talk to Sonia once you're inside the store. After a conversation with her, you're informed of the snake exhibit located near the event stage.


Walk up the stairs inside Nacy’s to reach the roof. The event stage is located here.

The Z Finder can be purchased from the ticket machine inside Nacy’s. It can be beneficial to purchase this weapon before going to the event stage, since it's the most powerful weapon available at this point in the game.

Three separate versions of “Mega Man Star Force” were released. The steps for reaching the event stage are identical on all of the versions: Dragon, Leo and Pegasus.

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