What Is the Dice Game Called Chinchirorin?

Most modern gambling games are played with cards, but many years ago Chinese immigrants played an interesting game that utilized three six-sided dice and a bowl. It goes by many names other than Chinchirorin including Cee-lo, Four-Five-Six, Dice, and more. Despite its history, this game is still played today, and even gained a bit of popularity when it was included in Genso Suikoden; a video game series that was first released for the PlayStation console in 1995.

When playing the game you need only three dice, a bowl, and at least one other player besides yourself, although more is recommended. This is a betting game and there are different variations but the two main ones are described below. The first is where all players bet against the bank, and in the second it's a 'winner takes all' game.

Chinchirorin with a banker

One person is the banker and all others make even dollar bets against the bank. The player who was declared as the banker must put up an initial bet known as the center bet. Once that has been placed, the other players may fade, or cover, a portion of their bet. Each player, starting on the left of the banker, may fade a portion of the bank until the entire amount of the bank is covered by the players or until every player has had a chance to place their bet. Once the bets are placed, the dice are rolled. If the banker rolls an automatic win(if the banker rolls 4-5-6) the banker gets all of the bets, if the banker automatically loses on the roll (rolls a 1-2-3) then the banker loses all bets. However if the banker neither loses or wins on the first toss of the dice, then the banker must keep rolling until he either gets a win, loss, or a set point.

A set point is where there is a pair of dice and then an extra one (such as 3-3-6). The single die will then become the bankers point and that's when all of the other players will now be able to roll. Starting from the left of the banker each player will roll until they get an automatic win, loss, triple, or any point. If they get a point higher than the bankers they win their bet, and vice versa if they get a point lower. If they get the same point as the banker then it is a draw and there is no winner or loser. This continues around until all players have rolled then the game restarts.

Chinchirorin without a banker

This is where all players are equal and no one is the banker. At the beginning of each round the players will agree on a bet, put that money into a pile, then they will then begin rolling the dice. Whoever has the best roll wins; this includes automatic wins, and highest point. Once the winner is determined they get all of the winnings and then a new round starts.

Triple Triad Extreme is a free online card game that allows a wonderful community to play the classic game Triple Triad. The game is continually changing and upgrading with tournaments, alliances, online versions of Chinchirorin, and much more!


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