The Death Knight is a very gratifying class to play in World of Warcraft. Implemented during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, this class starts the game at level 55, as opposed to level one like all other classes. They are a melee class, which means they will fight with up close to the monsters by using a weapon rather than at range.
Of the 3 specs available to a Death Knight the quickest wow leveling spec is Frost, however both Blood as well as Unholy may be leveled easily to 85. Because we're interested in the quickest build, let's take a look at Frost.
WoW Leveling Spec - Frost - Points 1-10
Place your first 3 skill points into Runic Power Mastery. Increases your maximum runic power by 10. (Tier 1)Place the next two skill points into Icy Reach. Increases the range of Icy Touch, Howling Blast and Chains of Ice by 5 yards. (Tier 1)Put your next 3 points in Annihilation. Boosts damage dealt by Obliterate by 15%. (Tier 2)Put the following 2 points into On A Pale Horse. Minimizes movement hampering effects and increases mounted speed. (Tier 2)WoW Leveling Spec - Points 11-20
Place your next 3 points in Killing Machiine. Your auto-attacks can make the next Frost Strike or Obliterate a Crit. (Tier 3)Place the following 2 points into Chill of the Grave. Chains of Ice, Howling Blast, Icy Touch and Obliterate produce 5 extra runic power. (Tier 3)Put your following 3 points into Rime. Obliterate provides a 15% possibility to cause the next Icy Touch or Obliterate to utilize absolutely no runes. (Tier 4)Place your next point in Pillar of Frost. Increases your strength by 20%. (Tier 4)Place your next point in Icy Talons. Increases attack speed of all party members by 10% as well as your attack rate by 5%. (Tier 4)WoW Leveling Spec - Points 21-31
Place your next point into Hungering Cold. Freezes all enemies in 10 yards for 10 secs. (Tier 5)Place the following 2 points in Improved Frost Presence. Increases your bonus damage by 2% per pont. (Tier 5)Place the next 2 points into Brittle Bones. Strength increases by 2% per point. (Tier 4)Put the following three points in Might of the Frozen Wastes. With a 2-hander deal 3% more damage per point. (Tier 6)Put your next two points into Merciless Combat Extra damage to targets below 35% health. (Tier 3)Put your next point in Howling Blast. Enormous damage ability. (Tier 7)The rest of your WoW leveling spec talent point choices will be dependent on your play-style and won't significantly affect your damage per second. Your wow addon choices also affect your damage-per-second, but I will deal with those within another write-up.
Level up Guides for WoW:
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